Make These 4 Social Media Profile Updates Today

Every single month, there are four different things that I do with my social media pages to make sure I’m putting out the most relevant content to my audience, so today I’m going to be walking you through each of them.


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I don't know about you, but there have been many times where I’ve gone to find a business or learn more about someone that I'm interested in on social media, and their link in their bio is broken or their website is full of outdated information. Or I discover their pinned posts are from 2 or 3 years ago and don't have relevant information anymore.

There are just a few steps that only take five minutes to do every single month to make sure we’re putting our best foot forward on social media and getting as many conversions as possible. At the end of the day, the people that I work with—the authors, the artists, the creatives—we’re not content creators or typically just doing social media for the fun of it. We’re doing it to get business, to get sales, to grow our community, and to find our fans.

These are the four things that I recommend doing every single, month but I'm posting this now because we're entering into spring (for some of us), so I'm in that spring cleaning mode. Let’s get started!


The first one is tried and true—we're going to be looking at our social media analytics for the past month. If it has been a while since you've looked at yours, then I would go back further than a month and maybe look at the past 90 days or so.

This is a really good time to take notes on what posts did well, what posts didn't do so well, how much did you post, how often were you posting per week (and was that amount comfortable for you), and several other areas that I cover in my video/podcast. Take a look at your sales data where there's certain days that you sold more than usual—what did you do on those days to get those sales? Keep repeating the things that work for you, and skip the things that don’t.

When it comes to TikTok, they saw an increase of 71% average watch time, so people are watching more and more. And reach was up 70% with a 20% increase in content sharing, showing that’s really where social media is going right now. It's a place to share content that you find funny or inspiring or educational in some way, so a focus on making content that is sharable just makes sense.


Another step is reviewing your profiles on whichever platforms you’re using to ensure your bio info links, and current call to action are up to date. Your bio should be promoting the most recent thing you’re marketing. So if you have a new book release coming soon, that would probably be my call to action to perhaps get them to join my email list and get a freebie.

Test out your links to make sure they work, and test how many clicks it takes to get you from your social media profile to where you want people to go (people drop off with every single click, so now is a great time to make sure it’s easy for people to get where they want to go).

IG Highlights

My third item is going to mostly apply to Instagram users because highlights are a feature on Instagram and not so much on other platforms. You’ll want to make sure your highlights are updated. Put yourself in the mind of a non-follower—someone who doesn't know you yet. If I come to your page from your bio, am I going to know who you are? Am I going to be able to find your content easily?

*If you're interested in learning more about highlight strategies, this YouTube episode I created explains the different highlights you should have on your page.

Pinned Posts

The fourth thing you should review on your social media platforms every single month is your pinned post. Use them strategically to point people in the direction of a new product release, a summary of all your different products, the “About You” section—or all three! These highlights are the first posts that people see when they come to your profile. If you aren't sure what I'm talking about, definitely check out my video linked in the button below the picture near the top of this page, where I show exactly what I mean.

What Next?

If you want to take it to the next level, I recommend adding this into your calendar—like a monthly spring cleaning, but instead, it’s a monthly social media audit—so you don't forget to do it.

And if you’re someone who wants to level up your social media marketing in less time, I highly recommend joining The Creative’s Content Club which is my marketing community for creatives, where every single month you get templates, trainings, shortcuts, and more to streamline your social media success.

Thank you so much for reading to the end, and I will see you in the next one!


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