Please use the contact form below to reach out to me regarding:

  • Support / course-related questions: Please visit this faq first to see if your question has been answered!

  • Marketing offers: I am happy to answer any questions you have about my programs to see what is a good fit for you. Please note out of respect for my paying clients, I am unable to answer specific marketing-strategy related / consulting questions via email. Please book a social media audit with add-on support if you’d like to talk about your marketing strategy!

  • Speaking opportunities: As an experienced speaker and workshop host, I’ve spoken at virtual summits, conferences, podcasts, memberships and university classes about marketing and branding. If you’re considering me for a speaking opportunity, thank you and I look forward to hearing from you!

  • Brand partnerships: I love partnering with brands that I enjoy and that are a good fit for my audience (helping creatives with marketing). Please reach out to discuss partnerships (2024 stats: 4.2k YouTube, 7k TikTok, 6k Email list, 12k Instagram)